Foxfit intervention ready to use!
At the beginning of this year, the SIA Top-Up project 'Foxfit' was completed, a follow-up to the research project 'Simba' where the Foxfit intervention was developed as a prototype in co-creation with the end users. Foxfit is an intervention that supports healthcare providers to get children with asthma to exercise more often and with more pleasure. In both projects, Digital Life researcher Annette Brons collaborated with colleagues from the Faculty of Health, among others.
Practice-based research
The Top-Up project has shown that the product can now actually be used by children with asthma and their caregivers. Based on user experiences in the pilot test, improvements have been made to the intervention. In addition, an implementation plan has been drawn up for the use of Foxfit in healthcare practice.
One of the improvements is the development of an interactive manual. Batuhan Arican, student and graduate of the Communication and Multimedia Design program, has been working on this in the past year. He converted the textual manual into an interactive website and designed animations himself that illustrate the use of the intervention. In this way, it is immediately clear to users of the intervention how to use it.
'To the market'
Ultimately, all the improvements and the implementation plan resulted in Gainplay Studio - one of the consortium partners in the research and developer of games and apps - identifying how this improved version of Foxfit can actually be brought to the market. Gainplay wants to roll out the intervention on a larger scale to strengthen the application in practice. In this way, many more healthcare providers and children with asthma can start using the intervention.
Although Foxfit has been developed for children with asthma, the researchers also see opportunities to use the intervention for other target groups, such as children with a different disease. Alternative applications will therefore be explored.
At the beginning of March this year, all results of the Foxfit follow-up study were presented by Annette Brons at the WKMN (Workgroup Children's Physiotherapy Central Netherlands). During this interactive presentation with more than 50 participants, there was a very positive response to Foxfit as well as related research by Annette Brons about Smart Play Sets.
In short: Foxfit is ready for use!