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Foxfit receives follow-up subsidy through Top-Up


Research project Simba - Stimulating Children with Asthma to Exercise More - investigated how children with asthma can be stimulated to exercise more. This is very important because about 85,000 Dutch children suffer from asthma and a healthy lifestyle and enough exercise can help them to have fewer asthma complaints. The Foxfit intervention was developed during the research project. This intervention helps healthcare providers to encourage children with asthma to exercise more.

The intervention was positively received by the test users. The children and their parents who tested the tool are very enthusiastic. The health care providers who supervised the use of the intervention saw many benefits for the practice. However, the intervention is still a research product that is not yet ready for implementation in practice. That is why an SIA Top-Up project was started in 2020 to improve this research product.

This follow-up project, called Foxfit, focuses on the following two goals:

  1. Make technical improvements to the Foxfit product to optimize it for use in the care of children with asthma.
  2. Drafting an implementation advisory report for Foxfit in the care practice of a hospital and first-line therapy practice.

The project also collaborates with students from various study programs to further deepen the original research. For example, students are involved in the Communication and Multimedia Design program (Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industry), PABO (Faculty of Education) and Exercise Therapy (Faculty of Health).