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Interactive communication between humans and robots


Marianne Bossema, lecturer-researcher at the Digital Life Professorship, participated in the IEEE RO-MAN 2023 Conference in Busan (South Korea) at the end of August, a conference on interactive communication between humans and robots. There, she presented the results of a scoping review on 'human-robot co-creation' and, based on this, an agenda for further research. The conference made it possible to meet researchers from all over the world, and learn about their research.

Education and technology

Marianne started her PhD research in February this year around the question: 'How can intelligent technology help older people in creative activities?' The research was partly made possible by a Teacher Promotion Grant from NWO. She is supervised by supervisors Somaya Ben Allouch (lecturer at Digital Life, among others), Rob Saunders and Aske Plaat (both affiliated with LIACS, Leiden University).


This academic year '23-'24, Marianne will engage in (focus group) interviews, and organise a drawing course for elderly people 'Learning to draw with robots', in collaboration with Dynamo Amsterdam. With input from students from HBO-ICT and the Robotlab of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Faculty of Technology), prototypes will be developed for this purpose. In the drawing course, researchers, artists, older people and students can develop and learn together how technology can meet specific needs and wishes.

Would you like to know more about this research? Please feel free to contact Marianne: