dr Margriet Pol
Senior Onderzoeker
Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in a rehabilitation program for older patients after hip fracture: the SO-HIP three-arm stepped wedge randomized trial
(2019 )Margriet Pol, Gerben ter Riet, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Ben Kröse & Bianca BuurmanAge and Ageing download
Sensor monitoring to measure and support activities of daily living for independently living older persons
(2019 )Margriet PolFaculty of Medicine | AMC University of Amsterdam download
Everyday life after a hip fracture: What community-living older adults perceive as most beneficial for their recovery
(2019 )Margriet Pol, Sebastiaan Peek, Fenna van Nes, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Bianca Buurman & Ben KröseAge and Ageing 2019, Volume 48, Issue 3 download
Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in an occupational therapy rehabilitation program for older individuals after hip fracture, the SO-HIP trial: study protocol of a three-arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial
(2017 )Margriet C. Pol, Gerben ter Riet, Margot van Hartingsveldt, Ben Kröse, Sophia de Rooij and Bianca BuurmanBMC health services research
Visual behandelprotocol revalidatie na een heupfractuur
(2016 )Marleen Post, Robbert Kruijne, Margriet Pol, Pascal Wiggers, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Raoul Engelbert & Bart Visser download
Expert knowledge for modeling functional health from sensor data
(2016 )Saskia Robben, Margriet Pol, Bianca Buurman & Ben KröseMethods of Information in Medicine
Older people's perspectives regarding the use of sensor monitoring in their home
(2014 )Margriet Pol, Fenna van Nes, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Bianca Buurman, Sophia de Rooij & Ben KroseThe Gerontologist download
Longitudinal ambient sensor monitoring for functional health assessments: A case study
(2014 )Saskia Robben, Margriet Pol, Ben KröseUBICOMP '14 Adjunct proceedings download
Sensor monitoring to measure and support daily functioning for independently living older people: A systematic review and road map for further development
(2013 )Margriet Pol, Soemitro Poerbodipoero, Saskia Robben, Joost Daams, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Rien de Vos, Sophia de Rooij, Ben Kröse & Bianca BuurmanJournal of the American Geriatrics Society (61) 12 download
How is grandma doing? Predicting functional health status from binary ambient sensor data
(2012 )Saskia Robben, Gwen Englebienne, Margriet Pol & Ben KröseProceedings of Artificial Intelligence for Gerontechnology '12 download
Patient and proxy rating agreements on the Activities of Daily Living and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living of acutely hospitalized older patients
(2011 )Margriet Pol, Bianca Buurman, Rien de Vos & Sophia de RooijJournal of the American Geriatrics Society