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Digital Life presents work on informal care giving at Pervasive Health 2015


At Pervasive Health 2015, the paper "Managing flexible care with a context aware system for ageing-in-place" was presented, which was based on the results of two projects: Care4Balance & Co-Care-IT which both focus on developing technology for supporting (informal) care-giving.

Publication details:
Managing flexible care with a context aware system for ageing-in-place
Saskia Robben, Lilian Bosch, Marije Kanis, Jasmien Decancq & Pascal Wiggers (2015) Pervasive Health 2015 Workshop on Process-oriented approach for patient-centered care delivery (PROCARE), Istanbul, Turkey

You can download the paper from here.

Call for participants - Oproep aan mantelzorgers: Kent u of bent uzelf mantelzorger die zou willen meedoen aan ons onderzoek? Kijk dan hier voor meer info en neem contact op met Lilian Bosch via e-mail op of telefonisch op 0621157017.