Annette Brons
e-mail: a.e.brons@hva.nl
Playfulness and New Technologies in Hand Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy: Scoping Review
(2023 )Tamara Veronica Pinos Cisneros, Annette Brons, Ben Kröse, Ben Schouten & Geke LuddenJMIR Serious Games 11 download
Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study
(2022 )Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Aline Broekema, Annieck Timmerman, Karel Millenaar, Raoul Engelbert, Ben Kröse & Bart VisserJournal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research 6(7) download
Assessing children’s fine motor skills with sensor-augmented toys: Machine Learning approach
(2021 )Annette Brons, Antoine de Schipper, Svetlana Mironcika, Huub Toussaint, Ben Schouten, Sander Bakkes & Ben KröseJournal of Medical Internet Research 23(4) download
Effectiveness of serious games to increase physical activity in children with a chronic disease: Systematic review with meta-analysis
(2020 )Daniël Bossen, Aline Broekema, Bart Visser, Annette Brons, Annieck Timmerman, Faridi van Etten - Jamaludin, Katja Braam & Raoul EngelbertJMIR 22(4) download
Beweegtool Foxfit voor kinderen met astma
(2019 )Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Aline Broekema, Annieck, Ricken - Timmerman, Bart Visser, Karel Millenaar, Raoul Engelbert & Ben KröseInspiratie 29(1) download
Promoting factors for physical activity in children with asthma explored through concept mapping
(2019 )Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Annieck Timmerman, Aline Broekema, Bart Visser, Bart van Ewijk, Suzanne Terheggen - Lagro, Niels Rutjes, Hellen van Leersum, Raoul Engelbert, Ben Krose, Mai Chinapaw & Teatske AltenburgInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(22) download
Detecting delays in motor skill development of children through data analysis of a smart play device
(2017 )Jörg Sander, Antoine de Schipper, Annette Brons, Svetlana Mironcika, Huub Toussaint, Ben Schouten, Ben KröseProceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare download