prof. dr Somaya Ben Allouch

Lector Digital Life (HvA) & Bijzonder Hoogleraar 'Human-System Interaction for Health & Wellbeing' (UvA)


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Human-Centered AI for Dementia Care: Using Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Interventions Support in Eating and Drinking Scenarios

(2024 )Wen-Tseng Chang, Shihan Wang, Stephanie Kramer, Michel Oey, Somaya Ben AllouchHHAI 2024 download

Back to School - Sustaining Recurring Child-Robot Educational Interactions After a Long Break

(2024 )Mike Ligthart, Simone de Droog, Marianne Bossema, Lamia Elloumi, Mirjam de Haas, Matthijs Smakman, Koen Hindriks & Somaya Ben AllouchHRI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE download

Predicting long-term neurocognitive outcome after pediatric intensive care unit admission for bronchiolitis—preliminary exploration of the potential of machine learning

(2023 )Eleonore de Sonnaville, Jacob Vermeule, Kjeld Oostra, Hennie Knoester, Job van Woensel, Somaya Ben Allouch, Jaap Oosterlaan & Marsh KӧnigsEuropean Journal of Pediatrics download

AI in the Human Loop: The Impact of Differences in Digital Assistant Roles on the Personal Values of Users

(2023 )Shakila Shayan, Marlies van Steenbergen, Koen van Turnhout, Zelda Zeegers, Somaya Ben Allouch, Maaike Harbers, Guido Evertzen, Janna Bruijning, Wieke van Boxtel & Katarina JerkovichHCI - INTERACT'23

Augmenting outpatient alcohol treatment as usual with online approach bias modification training: A double-blind randomized controlled trial

(2023 )Melissa Laurens, Marloes Postel, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Marcel Pieterse, Somaya Ben Allouch, Ernst Bohlmeijer & Elske SaleminkScienceDirect (142) download

Impact sociale robots in de ouderenzorg: positieve uitkomsten langdurige gebruikersstudie bij professionals en cliënten

(2022 )Somaya Ben Allouch, Jeroen Wildenbeest & Jeanine Wesselink - HueskenICT&health (5) download

Exploring requirements and opportunities for social robots in primary mathematics education

(2022 )Lamia Elloumi, Marianne Bossema, Simone de Droog, Matthijs Smakman, Stan van Ginkel, Mike Ligthart, Kees Hoogland, Koen Hindriks & Somaya Ben Allouch31th IEEE RO-MAN '22 download

Perspectives on the acceptance and social implications of smart glasses: a qualitative focus group study in healthcare

(2022 )Niek Zuidhof, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters & Peter-Paul VerbeekInternational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction download

Raamwerk en toolkit meten impact e-health bij mensen met visuele beperking

(2022 )Joey van der Bie, Nienke Nijhof & Somaya Ben AllouchICT&health (4) download

A co-creation approach to implementing eHealth applications in care organizations: lessons learned from multiple cases

(2022 )Saskia Robben, Michel Oey, Margriet Pol, Sanne Muiser, Paulien Melis & Somaya Ben AllouchIMPSCI '22

AI and the Conditions of Design: Towards A New Set of Design Ideals

(2022 )Elisa Giaccardi, Chris Speed, Johan Redström, Somaya Ben Allouch & Irina ShklovskiDRS Biennal Conference Series download

Trust in Clinical AI: Expanding the Unit of Analysis (nominated for best paper award)

(2022 )Jacob Browne, Saskia Bakker, Bin Yu, Peter Lloyd & Somaya Ben AllouchHHAI 2022 download

Developing an Intelligent Environment to Support People with Early-Stage Dementia: from User-Needs to a Real-Life Prototype

(2022 )Anne Grave, Saskia Robben, Michel Oey, Somaya Ben Allouch & Masi MohammadiApplied Human Informatics: Open Journal of the Academy of Human Informatics 4(1) download

‘That is a place where I would want to go’: investigating digital nature to enhance social wellbeing among older adults

(2022 )Josca van Houwelingen - Snippe, Somaya Ben Allouch & Thomas van RompayAgeing & Society (2022) download

Requirement elicitation and prototype development of an intelligent environment to support people with early dementia

(2021 )Anne Grave, Saskia Robben, Michel Oey, Somaya Ben Allouch & Masi MohammadiIE '21

The use of a tablet to increase older adults’ exercise adherence

(2021 )Sumit Mehra, Jantine van den Helder, Ben Kröse, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Bart VisserInternational Conference on Persuasive Technology

Behoeftes rondom (beweeg)activiteiten bij ouderen in tijden van Corona: Contextuele informatie inwinnen over behoeftes rondom bewegen, activiteiten en technologie bij ouderen met een co-creatieve toolkit op afstand

(2021 )Berber Nauta, Marije Kanis, Bart Visser, Somaya Ben Allouch & Daniël BossenNederlands Tijdschrift voor Oefentherapie, Jaargang 17 juni 2021, Nummer 2 download

The relevance of diet, physical activity, exercise, and persuasive technology in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenic obesity in older adults

(2021 )Josje Schoufour, Michael Tieland, Rocco Barazzoni, Somaya Ben Allouch, Joey van der Bie, Yves Boirie, Alfonso Cruz - Jentoft, Doris Eglseer, Eva Topinkova, Bart Visser, Trudy Voortman, Amalia Tsagari & Peter WeijsFrontiers in Nutrition 8 download

New approaches for participation in digital society in distant times of COVID-19

(2021 )Marije Kanis, Joey van der Bie, Berber Nauta, Manon den Dunnen & Somaya Ben AllouchProceedings of CHI'21 workshop on Digital citizenship download

Acceptance of Technologies for Aging in Place: A Conceptual Model

(2021 )Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters, Ricardo Cachucho & Jan van DijkJournal of Medical Internet Research 23(3) download

Virtual Reality representations of nature to improve well-being amongst older adults: a rapid review

(2021 )Josca Van Houwelingen ‑ Snippe, Somaya Ben Allouch & Thomas Van RompayJournal of Technology in Behavioral Science download

Education and training of nurses in the use of advanced medical technologies in home care related to patient safety: A cross-sectional survey

(2021 )Ingrid ten Haken, Somaya Ben Allouch & Wim van HartenNurse Education Today 100 (2021) download

Outpatient smoking cessation: preliminary findings of a non-inferiority RCT comparing blended with face-to-face delivery mode

(2020 )Lutz Siemer, Marcel Pieterse, Somaya Ben Allouch, Marloes Postel, Robbert Sanderman & Marjolein Brusse - KeizerEuropean Respiratory Journal 56(64)

Feeling connected after experiencing digital nature: A Survey Study

(2020 )Josca van Houwelingen - Snippe, Thomas van Rompay & Somaya Ben AllouchInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(18) download

Introduction to the Special issue on the Mutual shaping of Human–Robot Interaction

(2020 )Somaya Ben Allouch, Maartje de Graaf & Selma SabanovicInternational Journal of Social Robotics download

Adherence to blended or Face-to-Face smoking cessation treatment and predictors of adherence: Randomized Controlled Trial

(2020 )Lutz Siemer, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Marloes Postel, Somaya Ben Allouch, Robbert Sanderman & Marcel PieterseJournal of Medical Internet Research 22(7) download

The influence of privacy on the acceptance of technologies for assisted living

(2020 )Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters & Jan van DijkHCII 2020

Lessons learned from co-creating a personal wayfinding app with people with a visual impairment

(2020 )Joey van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben AllouchVolume 4, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020 download

Reporting incidents involving the use of advanced medical technologies by nurses in home care: a cross-sectional survey and an analysis of registration data

(2020 )Ingrid ten Haken, Somaya Ben Allouch & Wim van HartenBMJ Quality & Safety download

Blended face-to-face and web-based smoking cessation treatment: a description of patients’ user experience

(2020 )Lutz Siemer, Somaya Ben Allouch, Marcel Pieterse, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Robbert Sanderman & Maloes PostelJournal of Medical Internet Research download

Alcohol avoidance training as a mobile app for problem drinkers: Longitudinal feasibility study

(2020 )Melissa Laurens, Marcel Pieterse, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Elske Salemink, Somaya Ben Allouch, Ernst Bohlmeijer & Marloes PostelJMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU) 8(4) download

Does digital nature enhance social aspirations? An experimental study

(2020 )Josca van Houwelingen - Snippe, Thomas van Rompay, Menno de Jong & Somaya Ben AllouchInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(1454) download

Sidewalk, a wayfinding message syntax for people with a Visual Impairment

(2019 )Joey van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski & Somaya Ben AllouchASSETS 2019 download

Communicating multimodal wayfinding messages for Visually Impaired People via wearables

(2019 )Joey van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski & Somaya Ben AllouchMobileHCI'19 download

Bots in de zorg: hoe kunnen sociale robots bijdragen aan betere zorg?

(2019 )Somaya Ben Allouch & Lex van VelsenTijdschrift voor Human Factors download

A theoretical framework to study long-term use of smart eyewear

(2019 )Niek Zuidhof, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters & Peter-Paul VerbeekUbiComp | ISWC 2019

The Internet of Things: Reflections on the past, present and future from a user centered and smart environment perspective

(2018 )J. Chin, V. Callaghan & Somaya Ben AllouchJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. ISSN 1876-1364

Better wayfinding for visually impaired people: Integrating haptic feedback via a smartwatch

(2017 )Joey Van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski, Timon Van Hasselt, Jan Koopman, Somaya Ben Allouch & Ben KrösePaper presented at Vision 2017 download

prof. dr Somaya Ben Allouch


Simone de Droog

Monique Schaule Jullens

Leontine Born

dr Michel Oey

dr. Lamia Elloumi

Saskia Robben

Marianne Bossema

Anne Marleen Olthof

Mugdha Patil

Wen-Tseng Chang

Stephanie Kramer

Tamara V. Pinos Cisneros

Farzaneh Salehi

Somayeh Ranjbar

Marwan El Morabet

Vincent Vijn


Mats Otten


Annette Brons


Sergio Bondietti


dr Sumit Mehra


dr Nienke Nijhof


prof. dr Ben Kröse


Joey van der Bie


dr Marije Kanis


dr Margriet Pol


Rémi de Boer


dr Nazli Cila


dr Shihan Wang


Ria Peters


Michel Mercera
